Cannington Physio Clinic

At Scope Physiotherapy, your health is our priority. Our highly trained Physiotherapists are passionate about working with you to achieve your personal goals.

Located in Cannington Family Doctors
Unit 18B, 1480-1490 Albany Highway

Beckenham, WA 6107

Tel: (08) 6558 0900 | Fax: (08) 6558 0999

Email: Cannington Physiotherapy


 Scope Physiotherapy is excited to provide our Physiotherapy services to the community of Cannington, while working alongside the trusted GP’s within Cannington Family Doctors.

We provide a high level of patient-centred care to those living within the Bentley, Beckenham, Wilson and Lynwood and Welshpool areas.

Our Physiotherapists are passionate about your wellbeing and will take the time to listen and work together with you to provide comprehensive injury assessment and management and help you on your way to achieving your goals.

Convenient Online Bookings now available at Cannington Physiotherapy

Cannington Physio Team Members

Cannington Physio Team

Peter Tong – Physiotherapist

peter tong Profile
Peter is a registered physiotherapist with a degree from Curtin University. He is a dedicated and passionate clinician committed to helping clients achieve better physical health and overall well being.