

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disease in Australia and affects approximately 1 in 8 Australians. Life does not stop with a diagnosis of OA – you can continue to live an active life and there is a lot you can do to manage symptoms and keep moving well. OA is a collection of changes [...]


Vertigo & Dizziness


If you’ve ever had symptoms of vertigo before I’m sure you’re aware that it can be very unsettling. There are a number of causes for the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness, however the good news is that it often isn’t serious and a common cause for vertigo can be treated very quickly and effectively without the [...]

Vertigo & Dizziness2021-07-30T07:37:50+08:00

Calf Pain


Calf pain is a common complaint. You can get it whether you are a keen runner or just busy on your feet all day. Read more to find out how our Bicton physiotherapist can find out what is causing your pain - and how to stop it. Anatomy of the calf We know the calf as [...]

Calf Pain2019-05-29T11:59:06+08:00
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